About Us

About MLJ

Paper Trader & Merchant

MLJ PAPER shares an antique history with one of Asia’s best paper trading firms. Mrs. Sarika Jain & Mrs. Priyanka Kapoor is handling this company.

With a deep focus on Paper trading and merchandising, The Company has also been a visionary in the paper industry with his innovative and creative ideas. The company made a new start with the name MLJ PAPER in the year 2016 and in only a short period of time it has seen considerable gains in the industry with a strong clientele and work team.

Our Vision

Reaching the top is what we wish to achieve. We strive to have all varieties of paper under our umbrella so that we can become the go-to destination for all paper needs. We strongly follow the principals laid down by our elders and believe that with faith and a strong team effort, we can achieve all our dreams.

Our Mission

We believe that we can become one of the largest trading houses in India. By maintaining strong relationships with our customers and clients, we believe that the power of goodwill and hard work will pave our way.
We abide by the rules of: -
  • NO SHORT CUTS: - We keep our "VISONS" on long term goals and believe that there are no short cuts in business.
  • TEAM WORK: - Our team is the back bone of our company. Efficiency of our team members is one of the keys to our success.
Core Team
Jitesh Kumar
H.O.D (Marketing)
Suja Vincent
H.O.D (Operations)
Pooja Bansal
(Operation Team)
Rajni Kaur
H.O.D (Accounts)
Priyanka Kapoor
H.O.D (Finance)
Amit Nawani
H.O.D (Legal)
MLJ Paper has been bestowed with various awards.
Abc paper Award
Abc paper Certificate
Iso 9001 2000 Certificate
West coast Award
International Approvals
Coming soon...